Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bad Mom of the Year Award

goes to me. Sad, I know, but probably true. Here's why:

1. After two weeks of William not sleeping well, and pulling at his ears and being cranky, I finally took him to the doctor. He has a double ear infection. He has been on the anti-biotics now for 4 days, and he is still pulling on his ears. But he is sleeping MUCH better. He only woke up three times last night, and slept in his crib the whole night.

2. I put William down for a nap yesterday. He usually will cry for about 7-10 minutes before deciding that I am not going to come rescue him, and he should just give up and go to sleep. Well, yesterday he cried for almost 20 minutes before settling down. I felt awful when I went to go check on him an hour later, and his legs were stuck in between the crib slats. I had to work pretty hard to get his one leg out . . . But not before I grabbed the camera.

3. Orion has had an ice cream cone for breakfast twice this week. If he goes poo on the toilet, he gets an ice cream cone. Well, when he gets up and that is the first thing he does, and then is so excited that he did that and that he gets an ice cream cone. . . . I just can't tell him no.

In other news, we finally got a new vacuum. I have been waiting, and deliberating and researching for a while now. But when our old one finally quit picking anything up, I decided it was time. So yesterday, I broke down and bought an Oreck. It is a very low end one, but it works wonderfully, and Orion LOVES using the small hand held one to help. Although I am still tempted to return it and get a cheaper one. Also, my gross toe, is doing great! It blistered up and then popped on Sunday. While draining it, a couple of lumps came out. (Yes, very disgusting I know.) But, the swelling is gone and the soreness is gone. It is still a little red, but I am hoping that that will go away with a little more time. And lastly- I am loving William being able to crawl. He loves to go down to Orions room and play in there. The only bad thing is when he comes out, and Orion is then sad because he wants William in there to play with.


The Rogers said...

I think you should get the "most wonderful mom of the year" award instead, cause you are!

Chaney said...

I thought about calling and telling you that you are a FABULOUS mother, but then Maija started freaking out so you'll have to take my typed response. We all do things as mothers that we don't think are very good, but that doesn't make us bad mom's. You've walked your baby all night long for several weeks I think that cancels out anything else!

Have a great day Hannah!

Rachel and Tyler said...

I sure miss you, Hannah! I'm the kind of bad mom who gave her stomach virus to her 8 year old. Poor thing is writhing on the couch because her stomach hurts. I know just how she feels...When i took her temp the thermometer read 104.9, but I'm not convinced. I think I need a new thermometer...Anyway, I gave her some Tylenol and she is feeling better. See! There's a worse one out there!!! Love to you!!!!