Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Bad Case of the Normals

It has been a not so fun week around here. The day after my last post, Orion decided that using the potty, was not so important and fun. He had 5 accidents the next day. And it hasn't really gotten better. We (and I mean HE) are back to running around naked most of the time. Orion also had all of his books taken away this week. I feel like an awful mother for taking away his books. I mean really, who does that? But I told him that if he threw one more book at the window, I was going to take them. Well, he did. Orion has also taken to emptying Williams dresser and throwing the clothes everywhere, climbing in Williams crib and using it as a trampoline, and various other activities that I do not approve of. It used to be that a couple of times in timeout would cure him of whatever he was doing, but not this week . . .
Also, William isn't sleeping great again. He is up about every two hours, and because he will wake Orion if I let him cry, I have been getting up with him. Not that I would be able to sleep through the crying either though. William has also taken up biting. I am pretty sure it is just because he is teething, but I don't want this to turn into a life long habit. Any suggestions on how to stop him from biting?

Philip has a cold. Need I say more?

And me? Well, when I am not cleaning up an "accident" , picking up clothes, putting Orion in time out, doing the dishes, making dinner, vacuuming up the spilled cheerios, feeding William, or playing with my boys, I am- hey wait, there isn't really time for anything else.

Like the title says: A Bad Case of the Normals.


blondeviolin said...

Oh, man! Do I feel your pain!

Abby goes through spells where she stays dry for a while, but it's never more than a couple of days. Wetting her pants just a little bit is how she clues in that she has to go potty. *sigh* I just make HER take care of it now. She wipes it up (to my satisfaction), she goes potty, she changes clothes and puts the yucky ones in the hamper in the garage. I talked to my pedi about it and she said make it as many steps as possible so it's really a pain to do it all instead of just going in the toilet the first time. Still no dice. She just has a ton of underwear and pants. Six months of this now. *sigh*

And the outright defiance? At least I know that Emmett is on par with Orion. I swear I can't take him anywhere some days!

It'll get better. I just keep telling myself it's a stage and try to forget the fact that I don't know how long the stage lasts. :)

Chaney said...

If it helps any, Phillip has been potty trained a grand total of about 4 times. Each time he went longer without an accident, which was usually over a month. Then all of a sudden he'd decide he was done. It's frustrating, but I think he's finally got it this time!!!! Our doctor said it's typical, especially in boys for them to do that (it drives me nuts though). Do you have plastic pants so you aren't cleaning up as many messes?

We have quite a few sickies here too, and I'm ready for a good nights sleep!
Oh, and the only discipline that works for my kids is to take their books away (particularly KatieJo). So, no you aren't a bad mom.

Lynsey said...

What a week, I sure next week is better. Joseph has been entering this new defiance stage as well and he has lost lots of toys lately, but nothing else has helped. As for the biting I used to flick Joseph on the mouth everytime. I know that sounds terrible but it helped. You are a wonderful mother and doing a GREAT job.