I can't believe that my sweet baby boy is 5 years old!!! How did this happen? When did I get old enough to even have a 5 year old? Anyway, Orions birthday fell on a Sunday this year. So the Saturday before, he had a couple of friends (Molly and Moroni) come over. They played some games and decorated cookies. Then we took all the kids to McDonalds. Sunday, Orion was so excited that the kids sang to him in primary. He came home and told me that we didn't have to sing to him because his friends already did. We sang to him anyway. For his birthday he got a glow in the dark solar system, some Batman "stuff" and a Digital Camera. He also really wanted an Angry Birds cake. I played around with trying to use fondant to decorate it. But in the end, I bought an Angry Birds game and just used the pieces to decorate the cake. I think this was a great option. He LOVES the game!! To end, here are 5 things we love about Orion.
1. He is so sweet. He lives for making Mom and Dad happy.
2. He has a great imagination, and is constantly asking me to play some made up game with him.
3. He is a great helper. Orion doesn't have any daily chores he has to do, but he does do a lot around the house, just because I ask for his help.
4. He gives great hugs.
5. He loves his brothers and is so good to them.