A few weeks ago, we had our first real snow fall here. There was only a couple of inches on the ground, so I didn't send Orion to school with snow boots or his snow pants. Later that night at dinner, Philip asked Orion who he played with at recess. Orion got teary eyed and said that he didn't play with anyone because he didn't have snow gear and wasn't allowed to play on the playground. He could only walk around on the black top.
Fast forward about a week.
Me: . . . and what did you do during recess?? Did you have fun playing in the snow?
Orion: Well mom, I didn't play in the snow today.
Me: Oh? Why not?
Orion: Because I was playing with Kingston.
(He has NEVER before mention Kingston, although I know it is a boy in his class.)
Me: Did Kingston not want to play in the snow?
Orion: Well mom
(I think that is a favorite phrase of his.) Kingston forgot his snow gear, so he wasn't allowed to play on the playground. So I stayed on the black top and played with him.
That's my boy!!!!!