We picked out a couple of pumpkins then took a ride back.
Next we fed the goats. Orion wasn't sure he like them this year.
Then we hit the race track. Orion is big enough to reach all the peddles, but just won't do it. I don't know if he just doesn't understand the concept or if it is just easier for dad to push him.
He was on top of the world!!
He also enjoyed going under the hay.
And the last thing we did was go to the train house.
One of the best things about going there- is that the whole trip was only $10.00. That includes the price of the pumpkins. It could have been only $6.00- but I picked out a big pumpkin.
On to other news. William loves chewing on his fingers.
And I can't get Orion to quit hanging on things. I took this picture and then he got into trouble for it. I tried to be sneaky and take the picture when he wasn't looking- but he dropped his head at just the right time.
Orion has really enjoyed playing Battleship too.
Also this last week we have had the car into the mechanic TWICE!!! The first time we took it in because it has been really loud lately. Turns out it was a bearing in the wheel. That trip cost just over $200. That was our "emergency" allotment in the budget this month. But then the next day- it started over heating. When I found out that we had to take it in again- I was seriously thinking " I am so glad that I have been building up our food storage slowly so that I don't HAVE to go grocery shopping." Turns out that the second trip in- a belt on the water pump was no longer a belt. More like threads. That bill- only $28.00!!!!! HOORAY!!! I am so grateful for answered prayers!! Heavenly Father truly is mindful of us.
And just because this post is a little heavy on Orion pictures I figured we needed another cute one of William.