Tuesday, November 3, 2009


This has been quite a month for my poor little William. About a week before Williams 4 month check up- I took him into the doctor for croup. My doctor will give us a prescription for it- so that I only have to do one sleepless night of croup, and not 3 sleepless nights. A week later he had his 4 month well baby check up. He weighed 19 pounds 14 ounces and was 27 1/2 inches long. Unfortunately we found out that William probably had a sinus infection and was prescribed amoxacillin for that. He has had a constant runny stuffy nose and a nasty cough for over two months.
A week later- William starts breaking out into hives.
(You have to click on the picture to see it bigger to see the hives really well.)
At first I thought it was just a a bug bite reaction or something irritating his skin since it was only on his face. But after about 12 hours- they started popping up all over the place.
So it was back into the doctor. Prognosis. He is allergic to amoxacillin. Since the amoxacillin didn't clear up Williams nose and cough, which it should have done even if he is allergic to it, we have to take him to see an allergist. That happens in December.

Then yesterday morning- while I was nursing him and putting him down for a nap- he started shaking. His whole upper body was violently shaking and his eyes were rolling all over the place. This only lasted for a couple of seconds though. After that he just closed his eyes nursed for a couple more minutes then went to sleep. I called the doctor to find out if maybe he had just had a seizure, but she didn't think so because he was able to nurse afterwards. She said to just keep an eye on him and if it happens again- to bring him in. Nothing else happened all day. Then this morning I was nursing him and getting ready to put him down for a nap. Well- this time just his head started shaking- his eyes were closed- and it lasted for over 30 seconds. (Which seemed like a much longer time.) After he was done shaking- he nursed for a couple minutes longer- then went to sleep. I called the doctor again- and this time she wanted me to bring him in. After examining him- and looking a couple of things up- she ended up calling a pediatric neurologist to see what he thought. The neurologist thinks that William is just having sleeping tremors since they only happen when he is on the brink of sleep. But if he should have another "episode" while he is wide awake- we are supposed to just take him straight to the ER.
What does all this say about me? That I am a paranoid mother who takes her baby to the doctor a lot.


blondeviolin said...

I think those are way valid concerns! I hope everything gets cleared up. I know what it's like to freak out over something. When Abby had her breathholding spells when she was just a year I thought I was going to die from fear. *hug*

Chaney said...

Not paranoid Hannah, I would have FREAKED out over the shaking and as for the hives...Phillip got them from azythromyacin, and I got really scared about that and took him in several times for it before we figured out what it was.
You are a perfectly normal mom and those are very much things to worry about.

Hope everything gets better from here on out!

Unknown said...

Not paranoid. Those are things that I would be concerned about too and taking a kid to the doctor can (at least in most instances except in those moments when the Dr. acts like you are an idiot) be very reassuring! Keep us updated on him.