I am due on January 8th. Which puts me at just over 12 weeks. Philip is REALLY hoping that this baby comes early at least nine days early so that we get the tax refund. Orion would prefer I not have another baby, and William is indifferent. I am just ready to say goodbye to the morning sickness and nausea. I keep telling myself it will all be worth it in the end.
I had my 12 week ultra-sound today. Everything looks good so far. Baby has two hands and two feet and a good strong steady 176 BPM heat beat.
William had his one year check up last week. He weighs 26 lbs 15 oz, and is 31 1/2 inches tall. Thats only in the 90th percentile for those of you who track it that way. And he is finally walking!! He still can't just stand on his own though, so once he falls, he has to crawl to the closest wall or couch or chair or person and pull himself up.
Orion is busy busy busy busy. The child never holds still. Except for when he is eating, but that is only because I won't let him walk around and eat. Last night, while he was supposed to be going to sleep, he was busy doing head stands up against the wall. Currently his favorite game is tag. And it doesn't matter if you want to play or not, he will tag you and tag you and tag you. Oh . . . I love being a mom.