A few days ago, I commented to Philip that the garbage disposal wasn't working and would he please take a look. He looked under the sink to make sure that it was still plugged in (I could have told him that) and then stuck his hand down there to make sure that something like a rag wasn't in the way. He then announced that it was beyond him to fix and I needed to call the landlord. I was not to that point however. I stuck my hand down the drain and fiddled around with the blades and stuff until I found it. A piece of plastic was wedged underneath the blade and up against the side. When I told Philip this- he decided that maybe he really could fix it. He started taking out screws and such trying to get the disposal off. After a phone call to my dad and a phone call to the home teachers he got it off. I quickly called our home teacher back to tell him we figured it out, and that he didn't need to come rescue us. After tugging and prying and grunting he finally got the plastic unstuck. It was a piece of measuring cup. And yes, it was my fault it was down there. I thought I got all the pieces out. Unfortunately we didn't have all the right stuff to put it all back together last night. So this morning Philip ran to the hardware store and got the needed materials to finish the job. I am happy to report that my garbage disposal works good as new!!!
This afternoon we went to Stewart park for a picnic and to find some rocks.
Philip is in charge of Sharing Time tomorrow, and wants the kids to make "rock families". We washed them all, and then drew smiley faces on them. The primary kids will then glue eyes, hair and a nose on them. Should be pretty fun.
Here is Phil with his example rock family.
Also today, I got my first picture with William smiling. He has smiled at me lots, but this is the first one caught on camera.
19 Jan
23 hours ago