Like most three year olds, Orion loves to help. It doesn't matter what I am doing, he wants to help. At least he thinks he does, until he starts really helping. For example, I am picking up the house, and Orion asks to help. " Sure, can you take all your toys to your room?" A few minutes later, he comes to me and says, " Mommy, this is harder than I thought." Or when I am putting sheets on the bed and he asks to help, I hand him a pillow case and ask him to try to put it on. He enthusiastically starts trying. After a few minutes, he brings me the pillow and case, and says " Mommy, this is harder than I thought." I hear this many times a day. And I usually reply with "Well, it's a good thing you can do hard things."
Recently in Institute we were discussing repentance. At the end of class, we watched a short seminary video about how repentance is A LOT more than just quiting what you are doing. At the end of the video, the teenager tells his uncle " I guess repentance is a lot harder than I thought."
Well Orion, I want you to know ahead of time that repenting is going to be a lot harder than you think it will be. And it is probably (ok, not probably but really) better if you just avoid doing the things that require repentance. But, I know that you will be like the rest of us and make some mistakes that require repenting. Luckily, I know you can do hard things, and even though repenting is harder than you might think, it is well worth it.