Thursday, October 7, 2010

I'ts Harder than You Think

Like most three year olds, Orion loves to help. It doesn't matter what I am doing, he wants to help. At least he thinks he does, until he starts really helping. For example, I am picking up the house, and Orion asks to help. " Sure, can you take all your toys to your room?" A few minutes later, he comes to me and says, " Mommy, this is harder than I thought." Or when I am putting sheets on the bed and he asks to help, I hand him a pillow case and ask him to try to put it on. He enthusiastically starts trying. After a few minutes, he brings me the pillow and case, and says " Mommy, this is harder than I thought." I hear this many times a day. And I usually reply with "Well, it's a good thing you can do hard things."
Recently in Institute we were discussing repentance. At the end of class, we watched a short seminary video about how repentance is A LOT more than just quiting what you are doing. At the end of the video, the teenager tells his uncle " I guess repentance is a lot harder than I thought."
Well Orion, I want you to know ahead of time that repenting is going to be a lot harder than you think it will be. And it is probably (ok, not probably but really) better if you just avoid doing the things that require repentance. But, I know that you will be like the rest of us and make some mistakes that require repenting. Luckily, I know you can do hard things, and even though repenting is harder than you might think, it is well worth it.

1 comment:

Rachel and Tyler said...

I often wonder if Heavenly Father feels the same way I do when Lida insists on doing things herself that I KNOW she isn't going to be able to do yet. "NO! Me do it!" "Okay, you do it." So we wait and wait while she struggles and struggles and finally she says "Mommy, help me?" And I think, this would have been a lot easier on everybody if you had let me help to begin with. Do you suppose He ever says that to us??? Love you, Hannah! Thanks for the phone call.