Orion had his Spring Sing Concert. (I am not sure this qualifies as "big" but we took lots of pictures so . . .)
He also drew this super cute picture of our family. I LOVE that he drew a baby in my tummy. He is pretty excited for his little brother to come.
(I have it flipped in my pictures, but I can't get it to stay flipped once I insert it here. )
I got to go with Orion on his very first field trip. We went to a dairy farm. While there, I talked to Miss Mathys about Orions bad language. (They were just a few days apart.) Apparently he got into trouble for using the word "crap". He was walking out of the bathroom and some other boy was walking in. It startled him and he said "Whoa, you scared the crap out of me." I felt kinda bad for being so harsh. I guess Phil and I need to be more careful of the language WE use.
Sadly, a few days later Miss Mathys did have to come out and talk to me about Orion pushing another kid for butting in line in front of him. AND Orion told me that one day he had to spend 2nd recess sitting in the office. For screaming and not controlling his body. Any ideas on this sudden burst of bad behavior? I am wondering if it is just the stress of the upcoming baby, or if something else is going on that I need to be aware of, but am not.
William and Oliver are doing great. They love going to the library. They are LOVING the slightly warmer weather where they can play outside.
Sometime in either March or April, Cricket had kittens.
Philip putting the final screws into the shelves.
And some after pictures. It isn't completely done yet. And I think we need more shelves still, but it is a HUGE improvement.
While we were building my beautiful shelves, Oliver decided to dump a bottle of baby powder all over the floor. Instead of making dinner, I cleaned that up.
And then, because it was SUPER HERO night at Culvers, (if your child dresses up as his favorite super hero or her favorite princess, they get a free kids meal.) and I didn't make dinner, we dressed the kids up and went out to eat.
Which brings us into May. I only have 5 1/2 more weeks until little Winston is born! At my last OB appointment, I met with a doctor I haven't yet seen this pregnancy. (I see 5 through out, and one of those 5 will deliver my baby.) She looked at me and said that there was no way I still 6 weeks left. That I looked more like I had 2 weeks tops left. And then she measured me. And then she explained to me why I look so big. Apparently my hernia (that only pops out when I am pregnant) is causing my uterus to tilt way forward. Making me look really big. But as soon as I lay down, and my uterus is pushed back into place, I am measuring right where I should be. So the good news is . . . Winston will most likely not be a giant baby.
And just in case you didn't know. A few months ago (March 17th to be exact) Our stake redid the ward boundaries For the first time in my life, I now belong to a branch. Philip is the 2nd counselor in the Young Mens and I am the Primary pianist. It is a little different being in a NEWLY organized branch, but I do kinda like that it isn't so big.
And just for fun. Why yes, Oliver DOES have a trash can on his head. Luckily, my trash cans are always lined before they are put back to have trash put in them.
Isn't it nice to have an explanation for the size? I learned some new things on my current pregnancy as well (did you know Florajen3 -lots of it - is a natural cure/help for morning sickness). I can't believe I suffered through 5 pregnancies without it. :) Love you blog Hannah.
This is great, Hannah! It is so nice to hear some of what your everyday life is like when we never really get so see you. Thanks for keeping us posted!
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