Sunday, February 7, 2010

I Wonder

I have been up for the last couple of nights walking William so that he will sleep. After he has been asleep for a little bit (20 minutes) I very carefully sit down in the rocker, and he wakes up. I stand again and continue the walking/bouncing. After he is asleep again, and stays asleep for a good 45 minutes, I very carefully sit in bed and lean against the wall. I can get away with this for about 15-20 minutes before he is awake again. It is making for some really long nights and some long tired days. But last night as I was walking him, trying to keep him quiet, I started thinking about the pioneer mothers, and what they did. Were they so bone tired at the end of the day from pulling and pushing and walking that they slept through the crying? Or did they too walk their babies night after night trying to keep them quiet so that others could sleep soundly? Or did Heavenly Father know of their need to sleep and comforted those babies so that their mothers could get the rest that they needed?

Life here has been pretty boring the last week. Orion had his 3 year check up. I think he enjoyed going to the doctors office and for once- he was the center of attention. He is also doing GREAT at potty training. On average he has about one accident a day. Sometimes it is two and some days- the is accident free. WOOHOO!!!!
William is officially crawling. sometimes. He is really slow at doing it the "right" way, so he still prefers to drop to his tummy and throw his arms forward to get to where he wants to be.
We all still have colds here, so I am staying home again from church with the little ones. I think I will put on some General Conference talks and do some puzzles with Orion. Not as good as getting to take the Sacrament, but it will have to do.


Chaney said...

I have to say that I hope for the pioneer mothers' sakes that Heavenly Father took pity on them and that their babies slept solidly through the night!
I hope everyone starts feeling better! We have it here too, but no fevers and so we went to Church.

James and Aimee said...

Thinking about pioneer mothers always seems to make my life seem pretty darn good. I hope you had a good Sunday, and that it included a nice nap!