Saturday, September 26, 2009

I see a pattern developing.


Chaney said...

Man, you must be running him until he falls asleep!

He's too cute Hannah!

Itty_Bitty_Wittes said...

That is so cute! He must be so full of energy that the second he gets down time he passes out! :)

James and Aimee said...

That is hilarious, Hannah! Are those the only times, or have there been other occasions that you just didn't get with your camera? He is so, SO cute!

Itty_Bitty_Wittes said...

Coloring enduced coma?

Amber and The Boys said...

LOL give that kid a nap!

Hannah said...

Sitting down to color is the only time he ever holds still enough to fall asleep. If I send him to his bed to take a nap- he plays and plays and plays. But if I sit him at the table to color, if he is tired he will fall asleep within 5 minutes. This usually happens at least 3 times a week.

Chaney said...

If I were you I'd have him color everyday right before nap time!
Phillip does the playing in bed thing with his cars but usually falls asleep.

Sarah said...

What a cutie! Oh my gosh! Thanks for the smile, Hannah :) So I assume artwork hanging on your fridge is always half-finished with a big drool mark?