Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Tiny Glimpse

For months now I have been praying for my friend Ann. Ann and her husband have been married for almost five years, and have not yet been able to have a child. Now, while Philip and I were ready for another baby, I wasn't praying for me to become pregnant, but for her. Having known the pain of wanting a baby, and not being able to have one, I did not want Ann to continue to suffer that. So I was praying my heart out, that she would be blessed with the opportunity to be a mother. Then I found out I was pregnant. When I told Ann I was pregnant, I found out that she too was pregnant and due around the same time I am. (There are at least 4 ladies in my ward due in June, that I know of.) Instantly my prayers changed to "please Heavenly Father, let Ann keep her baby. If one of us has to loose our babies, let it be me. I already have one perfect little boy, and Ann deserves this. So please, let her keep her baby." For a while I felt like an awful mother. I would be devastated if I lost this baby, but the thought of Ann feeling that devastation hurt so much.
I think I have a very small understanding now of the love Christ has for us. Did he want to suffer and die for us, I don't think the thought was appealing. But, the thought of us not making it back to live with Him, was even harder. So He suffered so that we could be happy. I am so grateful for the sacrifices He has made for me and my family. I am also so grateful that through praying and loving my friend, I was given a tiny bit of understanding of that which our Savior did for us.

For those of you who didn't know, I am pregnant with baby number two! I am due in June, and Philip and I are very excited to have a new little one join our family.


Humphries said...

Congratulations that is so very exciting!

Amber and The Boys said...

I have been waiting for you to come out and say it! Your blog posts about sleeping and naps were giving it away but I was waiting patiently for the news! Congrats! Can you tell me who the other preggos in the ward are or is that secret still?

Shawna said...

Even though I have known about this wonderful blessing for quite sometime I still cried (with happiness) when I read your post. I love you so much and I am soooo happy for you! I just hope that you can start feeling better soon!

Itty_Bitty_Wittes said...

I am so happy for you and your friend! Babies are more than just a blessing. Good luck with this pregnancy!

Jenifer said...

Horray! I'm excited that you posted this even though I already knew! By the way, Ann who?

Anyways, hang in there. Thinking of you.

Tess said...

Congratulations!!! What great news! I'm echoing "Amber and the boys" comment.

Rachel and Tyler said...

Hannah, I LOVE YOU!!!

Sarah said...

Congratulations, Hannah! I loved reading your post. Best wishes. You truly are a spiritual wonderwoman :)